Quick checklist

Quick actions for admins to set up your Converso account

Here are some quick steps to set up your Converso business account:

1. Invite users in your company to Converso by sending them an email invite, under Settings > Users

2. Add a webchat widget to your website so browsers can live chat with you from your website, under Admin > Webchat (more details here)

3. Create an AI Agent to manage your customers' messages so your agents don't need to reply to every message, under Admin > AI (more details here)

4. Select users for your group so that you can manage messages as a team, under Admin > Team

5. Import contacts so you can start sending outbound messages and identify the sender of inbound messages, under Contacts (more details here)

6. Add your business details such as your address and logo to be included in WhatsApp message templates and payment requests, under Settings > Business

7. Set up your autoresponder to autorespond to messages (if AI not configured), eg out of hours, under Admin > Auto responder (more details here)

8. Connect to WhatsApp for powerful multimedia messaging, under Admin > WhatsApp (more details here)

9. Send out notifications to contacts so they expect to receive your messages, under Broadcast (more details here)

10. Add tags so you can send broadcast messages to selected groups of contacts, under Settings > Tags

11. Save your business logo on WhatsApp to provide a logo at the top of your WhatsApp conversations, under your 360dialog login (at app.360dialog.io - more details here)

12. Create WhatsApp message templates so you can initiate outbound WhatsApp conversations, under your 360dialog login and Admin > Message templates (more details here)

13. Connect to your payment providers (Stripe, Crezco) to collect payments over WhatsApp and SMS conversations, under Settings > Integrations (more details here)

14. Connect your accounting apps to keep your bookkeeping apps up to date, under Settings > Integrations

15. Create additional groups (coming soon) for additional inboxes for other areas of your business, under Settings > Groups

Last updated